
Custody Chikambure
ASAF Co-ambassador from Zimbabwe and Regional Coordinator for Southern Africa. ICM at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania – Cybersecurity major (2018).

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Country of origin: Zimbabwe.

“The cultural aspect of my mobility was the most important as I got to learn about the culture of Romanians. Learning a new language was one of the key takeaways too, because I had to learn how to navigate through a new culture and a new environment”

Ethel Kachala
African Union Mwalimu Nyerere Scholarship mobility programme in Uganda (2015-2017) – Education Management and Administration.

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Country of origin: Malawi.

“I had to learn a different language and meet people from a different background who are used to a different type of food. This was so motivational for me because, as a person with a disability, travelling abroad was not the norm in the past.”

Dr Eustache Kpocheme
Ph.D. in Plant Science and Improvement from the University of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin.

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Country of origin: Benin.

“It’s an important base for any student, for anyone who wants to pursue interesting educational courses, being able to lean on people who have already done it. It’s a path that can be guided, that can be oriented, that can open your eyes to the world in general.”

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

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Léontine Souligou
Student at the University of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin.

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Country of origin: Benin.

“I had a vague knowledge of the ASAF network at the beginning, and now that I’m getting to know the network, I think it’s very important for students and professionals alike. Also, I’m so happy to see that ASAF Benin takes the inclusion of people with disabilities into account. I think it’s a great opportunity and it’s very interesting for their development.”

Dr Samita Everlyne Namikoye
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) programme in Hungary. Staff member at Kenyatta University.

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Country of origin: Kenya.

“Undergraduate and postgraduate students could really benefit from the ASAF community, from the opportunities that ASAF is offering. I’m looking forward to being able to interact more and to serve ASAF, as well as to being able to bring these opportunities to my students.”

Sylvie de Chacus
Professor of Psychology and Technical Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Benin.

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Country of origin: Benin.

“The ASAF General Forum shouldn’t be just another event, but an opportunity for Benin to be discovered all over the world, to become aware of the existence of such a powerful network. The wish that I express, on my behalf and on behalf of the entire Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, is that mobility can be developed through this forum, that we can get better acquainted with the opportunities that exist in this niche.”

Thandiwe Pelonomi Majama
Erasmus Mundus (2021 – 2023) – NOVA FCSH (Portugal), University College Dublin (Ireland), Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland), & Danube University Krems (Austria)

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Country of origin: Botswana

It’s been great so far; my expectations are being met because I’ve met Africans who are in Africa and in the diaspora.

Alexandre Mahougnon Aurel Zoumman
Intra-Africa Mobility Scheme – Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal (2018 – 2020)

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Country of origin: Benin

Well, I joined ASAF because when I applied for my mobility, I saw that there was no reliable information available on social networks, and so this network makes available and promotes the various mobilities financed by the European Union. Apart from that, ASAF is a network for former students and alumni to get together and make available to their universities in their countries of origin the information and skills they have acquired during their mobility.

Daniel Wafo Fosso
Intra-Africa Mobility Scheme – Ebonyi State University, Nigeria (2021)

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Country of origin: Cameroon

As a member of the ASAF board, I see ASAF as being able to be the pillar of education in Africa, and as being a structure or a network that can accompany African students, give them the opportunity to benefit from a quality education, and accompany them towards the world of work.

Jackson Lontchi
Intra ACP Mobility Scheme – Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis, Tunisia (2014 – 2017)

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Country of origin: Cameroon

I joined ASAF because I wanted to follow up on my mobility because, at the end of my mobility, I felt like there is nothing behind after the mobility.

Misheck Samakao
Erasmus+ ICM — León University, Spain (2016 – 2017)

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Country of origin: Zambia

Amazing, the experience has been so amazing. We have had fantastic networking, interaction, collaboration, and together we’ve implemented a lot of programmes and activities and I believe that in the coming few years we are going to do a lot more.

Nabawanda Juliet Kasozzi
Mwalimu Nyerere Scholarship Scheme – Kampala University, Uganda (2009 – 2013)

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Country of Origin: Uganda

The reason that I joined ASAF is because I was looking for a way of serving and working with a network of like minded people.

Imane Benrabiaa
Erasmus+ ICM — West Bohemia University, Czech Republic (2019), Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary (2022)

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Country of origin: Morocco

After I finished my first mobility in the Czech Republic, I came back home, and I wanted to find another community that has that international feel that I can share my expertise with, what I learned and also just share the fact that we all went to other places, that we all have that experience of somewhere new. So finding ASAF members and interacting with them has been really a gift to me, and I am really glad I decided to join.

Donaldson Chima Ofoha
Erasmus+ ICM — Universidad de Valladolid, Spain (2019)

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Country of origin: Nigeria

I look forward to a better ASAF, a strong ASAF, a Pan African ASAF, and ASAF that has all it takes to initiate projects and aid development in the continent of Africa.

Comfort Seun Ajaelu
Intra-Africa Mobility Scheme — Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda (2019 – 2020)

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Country of origin: Nigeria

Why did I join ASAF? I joined ASAF because I believe in our vision and mission to build the Africa that we want in the future.

Degel Sharon Agoreyo
Intra-Africa Mobility Scheme — Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia (2019 — 2022)

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Country of origin: Nigeria

I am a member of ASAF, and I’m currently in the International Collaboration Task Force. This has been a really interesting experience for me. One of the things I do in ASAF is to bring collaboration between ASAF and other networks.

Florence Chisomo Matisa
Intra-Africa Mobility Scheme

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My experience with the mobility scheme has been perfect. As you have already heard I'm Malawian, I'm now studying in Uganda. I'm doing my masters there and it has helped me to experience other cultures and other lifestyles. Here in Ethiopia I'm able to interact with other people from different countries.

Everlyne Samita

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ASAF has given me an opportunity to be able to experience skills, technologies that I used in Europe and I brought it back to my students and this is just to talk to other students and other staff that ASAF is good and I really encourage you to join it because there are greater opportunities!

Williams Baah
Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, Ethiopia

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I will use this opportunity to advise young Africans to participate in these mobility schemes as it is a very good avenue to get better education and to get exposed to other fields or other regions on the continent. And of course to awaken your own spirit that we can make Africa better ourselves as the youth of the continent.

Boniface Yamungu Alongo
Intra-Africa to Uganda

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I would encourage other youth out there. They should know that nothing comes for granted and you need to have focus. Once you are focused then you can see: “Okay, this is what I need to do in life”. Then, search for opportunities that are related to what you need. So, please, don't say, “This scholarship is meant for some other people”. You can apply for the first time and fail. You can apply for the second time or so many times and fail but when your time comes you will get that opportunity. So it’s better to try. Never say it is not possible before you try it.

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