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2024-06-13 ASAF News

Working session between ASAF and the European Union Delegation in Senegal

Mr Alexandre Zoumman, Vice-President in charge of regional cooperation and integration, and Ms Marième Wade, ASAF's co-ambassador in Senegal, were received on 31 May 2024 by H.E. Mr Jean-Marc Pisani, Ambassador of the European Union to Senegal.

The working session took place at the headquarters of the European Union Delegation in Dakar, in the presence of its Erasmus+ Focal Point, Ms Ilaria Mirra. The first objective was to officially present ASAF to the Ambassador.

A productive and interactive exchange took place, co-with the Ambassador and the Focal Point showing a willingness to obtain real and concrete information on university mobility through the representatives of the ASAF Forum.

H.E. Mr Jean-Marc Pisani introduced the session by highlighting the expansion of the Erasmus+ programme in Africa, with an increase in the number of beneficiaries of EU-funded grants over the years.

Vice President Mr Zoumman then gave a presentation about ASAF, covering its genesis in 2017 and the start of its activities in 2019. He also spoke about the Forum's members, who are current or former scholarship holders who have benefited from programmes funded by the European Union or the African Union. These members form the backbone of the organisation in that they work on a voluntary basis in the various ASAF projects across Africa.

The Delegation's Ambassador asked about the statistics on intra-African mobility. Mr Zoumman then described the current trend whereby students are more attracted to English-speaking African countries, in order to  improve their English.

ASAF Senegal co-ambassador Ms Wade then reviewed the activities carried out by ASAF to help enhance higher education through mobility, ranging from the organisation of information sessions in public universities to individual support for students.

She also outlined the Forum's roadmap for the rest of the year, namely a national tour of public universities to publicise mobility programmes.

Discussions also revolved around ASAF's involvement in the EU's agenda for the Erasmus+ programme and mobility in general. 

Mr Zoumman and Ms Wade expressed ASAF's interest in participating in the planning and implementation of projects such as pre-departure and welcome events for scholarship beneficiaries and the organisation of information sessions.

The Ambassador has made firm commitments to this effect, and has asked the Erasmus+ Focal Point, Ms Mirra, to work with ASAF to ensure that the projects run smoothly. Contacts between the Senegalese co-ambassadors and the National Erasmus+ Focal Point (ENFP) are also planned in order to put in place the conditions for collaboration between all the stakeholders.

The ASAF Forum would like to thank the Ambassador for agreeing to receive its representatives, as well as Ms Mirra for coordinating and organising this working session.


Marième Wade,
Senegal, Dakar, 4 June 2024

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