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This is your chance to take part in a three part series discussion on current issues regarding the european union with Rainer Wieland! This event will be fully online and be set up as seminar, to allow for a more inclusive setting! Register now!

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We would like to warmly invite you to discuss “The Future of the European Union” with one of the Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament, Rainer Wieland

The discussion rounds will take place via Zoom and is open to the public.

Please REGISTER HERE to participate.

Rainer Wieland has been member of the European Parliament (EP) since 1997 and its Vice President for Infrastructure and Budget since 2009. In the three sessions of this series, he will discuss the role and function of the EP, the EU’s dealing with current crises and future scenarios of the shape and relevance of the EU.

This is will be the scheduele for the upcoming event: 

Thursday, 01.12.2022, 15.30-17.00:

Input by Prof. Dr. Simon Fink (Director of Studies EMJMD Euroculture, University of Göttingen)
Chaired by Sophie Beernaerts (Head of Department, Erasmus+, EU Solidarity Corps, European Education and Culture Executive Agency, European Commission)

In the first part of our series on “The Future EU”, we will be devoted to gauging the role of the European Parliament in the decision-making process of the EU. The questions discussed will include: The parliament is co-legislator spread over three workplaces, using 24 official languages. How is it to work in the European Parliament? How does the EP act as co-legislator next to the Commission? How do Members of Parliament keep contact with citizens? Is there a trade-off between democratic legitimacy and efficiency? Which prospects of a reform do the discussants see?


Thursday, 15.12.2022, 15.30-17.00:

The European Commission has started a range of new programmes in order to tackle challenges such as climate change, digitalization, security in the widest sense with ‘strategic autonomy’ as new buzzword.

The War in Ukraine has the further potential to provide for real paradigm shifts. It opens a range of questions that will be discussed in this second session: What will happen with the “Fit for 55” programme? How will it change transportation in the EU? How do the member states want to provide for their energy security? How do they see the role of the EU in terms of Foreign and Security Policy? Does the EU update rules for ‘good governance’ for energy supplies as well? Should the Ukraine be ‘fast-tracked’ to become candidate and potential new member state? If so, does it change the rules of the EU?

Input by:

Chaired by Franco Burgio (Project Officer, European Commission, European Education and Culture Executive Agency) and Dr. Lars Klein (Senior Lecturer, EMJMD Euroculture, University of Göttingen)
Laura de Boer (Euroculture student, Uppsala / Groningen, and editor, The Euroculturer)
Dr. Eric Pardo (Lecturer, International Relations) and Dr. Steffen Bay Rasmussen (Director of Studies EMJMD Euroculture, University of Deusto)
Dr. Sabine Selchow (Senior Research Fellow, European University Institute (EUI), Florence)


Monday, 19.12.2022, 15.30-17.00:

The EU seems to be in a permanent crisis-mode. It struggled over its constitution, had to find its way to cope with the economic- and financial crisis, the “summer of migration” in 2015, Brexit or the Covid-pandemic. The war in Ukraine is currently again challenging roles and perceptions of the EU.

This third session will discuss scenarios for the future of the European institutions. What is the future role and position of the EU? How do European institutions reshuffle in order to be able to meet upcoming challenges? What will the “Conference on Europe” bring? Which role can it play for its citizens and as institution in global politics?

Input by:

Prof. Dr. Foteini Asderaki (Jean Monnet Chair, International and European Studies), and
Prof. Dr. Petros Liakouras (Director, Msc in International and European Studies), and
Prof. Dr. Aristotle Tziampiris (Chair, International and European Studies), University of Piraeus


Please make sure to register for the events here.

We look forward to discussing with Rainer Wieland, the experts and especially with YOU! 


edited by the service provider 

cologne, germany 30th November 2022

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