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2021-04-12 General News

Online event of Africa-EU Green Talks

The next event of Africa-European Union (EU) Green Talks is dedicated to the topic Women’s Leadership for Climate Action: Unlocking the Power of Cross-Continental Collaboration. The event is organised by the think tank Friends of Europe and will take place online on 14 April 2021 at 4:30pm.

Laura Jarmatz on behalf of the Service Provider

On 23 April, the EU-Africa High-Level Green Investment Forum will be held in Lisbon. As a lead up, the Africa Europe Foundation together with partners such as the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the Africa Union Commission, the European Investment Bank, the African Development Bank, and the Africa-Europe Energy Partnership organises a series of Green Talks. These workshops should offer space to share experiences, innovative approaches, and to mobilise capital and expertise in order to promote the Green Transition in Africa and in Europe.

This week‘s event is on Women’s Leadership for Climate Action: Unlocking the Power of Cross Continental Collaboration and will have 5 speakers from both continents. Women climate protagonists will share practices on topics such as biodiversity, desertification, food systems transformation and sustainable energy.

For more information and to watch the event live, click here.

Germany, Cologne, 12.04.2021

Title picture:

Women’s Leadership Climate Action EU-Africa

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